mardi 15 mai 2012

World's first HTML5 SIP Client

After the world's first SIP video clients for Android and iOS (early 2009) we are proud to present sipML5 Project. sipML5 is the world's first open source HTML5 SIP client entirely written in javascript for integration in social networks (FaceBook, Twitter, Google+), online games, e-commerce websites... No extension, plugin or gateway is needed. The media stack rely on WebRTC project. The client can be used to connect to any SIP or IMS network from your preferred browser to make and receive audio/video calls and instant messages.

Short but not exhaustive list of supported features:

  • Audio / Video call
  • Instant messaging
  • Presence
  • Call Hold / Resume
  • Explicit Call transfer
  • Multi-line and multi-account
  • Dual-tone multi-frequency signaling (DTMF) using SIP INFO
For more information:
Call between Google Chrome and iPad device
Call between Google Chrome and Android device